Why not start this website by telling a little about myself? I am a 30 year old bisexual fudanshi from the Netherlands who has been into yaoi doujinshi and BL series from around 2014. I became a huge fudanshi towards the end of 2018. I have been into anime and manga and the fandom in general since late 2008, and I have gone to virtually every anime event in my country since the middle of 2009. I love the atmosphere at conventions, the one-big-happy-family feeling, the free hugs, the photos, and the crazy random cosplay fun! My love for Japanese popular culture quickly made me interested in learning more about the country it came from, and this led me to study for a BA in Japanstudies from 2010 to 2013. Although my written and read Japanese is quite rusty (kanji!), I can still watch an anime movie without subtitles and understand most of it, haha.
I do not only enjoy reading/watching/playing BL series, writing smut fanfiction, cosplaying etc, but I also like reading about the history of the genre and manga/anime in general, and sometimes reading interesting academic papers on it. I would love to one day work professionally in the BL industry in some capacity, or as an academic researcher on it, but as I am now almost done with a MSc in Computer Science (I did the bachelor right after I finished Japanstudies), I don't see that happen anytime soon T_T. Right now I have a work from home job helping people with various assorted comptuer problems over teamviewer, mostly older people whose computer is slow, office has stopped working, mail programs have stopped working, printer is acting up, etc. It's super fun to do, the work hours are completely flexible/my own choice, and the salary while not super high is enough for me to live a good life. I love it. While I sadly won't work professionally in the BL industry anytime soon as said, I have however given some panels/lectures/quizzes on BL or general manga/anime related topics at conventions in my country, both physical and online ones. As I said before this blog will just contain whatever I feel like writing at the time, one page at a time. One article = one page, to keep it simple and easy to navigate (and write!). I hope some people will actually read some of the blogposts and I'll be happy if at least one person finds them interesting!
While not the focus of this site, I also have a wide range of other interests and things I enjoy: anime/manga in general, legos and assorted lego-compatible brands, reading about random interesting tidbits of science, history, etc, video games, star trek, star wars, etc. I also am not ashamed to say I quite like my sexy times too whenever I get the chance, with both boys and girls off course (bisexual, after all). One thing I would love to able to do but really have no talent for is drawing, I would love to make my own fanart but I just have two left hands as the saying goes, which rules that out XD. I can write smut or fluff fanfics whenever I want too to compensate though!
If people want to chat after seeing this site, here are some of my socials: